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Die LEDs sind da...

20130410: PCBs for the small head arrived

This is just a test using diodes as voltage regulator. The LEDs will be driven with a little overvolatage and a PWM so the brightness should be more even.

20130414: All leds on first head on

20130418: LEDs on three heads soldered

20130505: 5 heads populated and running

20130616: All leds soldered

20130726: Small Heads finished

A push button has been added that allows chaning the mode (ON, OFF, ANIMATION).

20130809: Big Wackenhead appears in Wacken-Video

My buddies from aircam4u visited us at the Wacken Open Air 2013 and did a nice fly-over at our camp which shows the big WackenHead.

Here is the Video they made:

Thank you guys!!!

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