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Planned features

  • ESP8266 ESP-07 module as core (802.11 b/g/n WiFi, 32-bit low power CPU, Arduino IDE programmable)
  • LiPo-battery powered using LTC4080 as charger and power management
  • Small enclosure (1551H by Hammond)
  • 50x29mm PCB (to be <50x50mm for cheaper manufacturing)
  • DS18B20 and other optional sensors (i²c, OneWire, ...) e.g. TSL2561 or DHT22 and many more...
  • optional USB serial using the cheap CH340G
  • optional SD-Card in SPI mode
  • Arduino "standard" programming header as backup/extension
  • ...
  • ...


2015-07-08 Breadboard Prototype

Plain prototype for software testing (just the ESP8266 ESP-07, a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a cheap AMS1117 voltage regulator):

Deep sleep current consumption (power LED from the ESP-07 has been removed to save energy) only 24µA (after the AMS1117 voltage regulator):

2015-07-09 recruiting

Got U. Rüegg to work with me on this project because developing together is more fun and having some review is always nice :-)

2015-07-20 ordered PCBs

The gerber files sent to the manufacturer:
Some rendered images:

(rendered using

2015-08-05 PCBs arrived

2015-08-08 USB and box fitting test

2015-08-10 LTC4080 footprint test

LTC4080 soldered to custom PCB

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